Let's go straight into a video that gives us talking points:
Only the first two minutes - up to I realise I dont know myself at all
Ways to deal with a weird video:
- Describe what is happening literally. (the tree is coming out of his head)
- Go through what the person is saying (he realises he doesn't know himself)
- Generalize the content using both 1 and 2 (He seems to be quite confused and as the tree pops out of his head, he says he ...)
- Explain what effect he is trying to create and till what extent is he achieving this.
Okay, 2 minutes more, wanna?
Communication aspects:
All of this said, we have practiced enough Oral for you to feel okay talking about yourself!
Meet me: I am
The TOEFL iBT is a four-hour, computerized test with four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. You'll use one main skill for each section (so on Reading you'll read passages and on Listening you'll listen to audio clips), with some questions or tasks requiring the use of multiple skills.
Toefl has excellent websites so we will be using them!
Free Oral Evaluation
Free Writing Evaluation