School grades should determine which students go to College.
Going over our writing steps and accomplishments:
1. HOOK : Straight to the point, Short
2. 3. Detail, justification, addition
4. Open sentence- state opinion Often the most general sentence
Other tips.
· Begin with a short topic sentence, THEN, add, detail, justification , etc
· Maintain 1 idea per paragraph
· Avoid the reference to generalized people.. they, you... Avoid I
· Avoid simplified words- because, lots of , very,
· Use linking words .
However, furthermore, Additionally/ In addition to , in spite of , Nevertheless..
Sophisticate your writing:
1. Add names and details. They can be invented but must look real.
2. Add quotes and statistics
3. Use complex structures and less complex structures ..
so, that / Not only.. but also /
4. Use adverbs
extremely, rarely, seldom, hardly ever, obviously, daily, rather,