Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Give reasons and details to support your answer.
Let's study these sample essays:
Writing - Should college be free for everyone?
The cost of college is rising even faster than inflation in the U.S.
Straight to the point. Short topic sentence. Explanation in sentence 2.
Many students around the world face financial constraints when it comes to attending college. Because education is such a vital part of life, there are many reasons why college should be free.
Good ending sentence for introduction. States opinion. Opens the topic.
Not only do the arguments for debt-free education include personal benefits, but they also show how education helps to positively impact society overall. Classic negative inversion.
Thankfully, the progression in technology is making it possible to increase the access to education globally. Use of adverbs to sophisticate ( However I do not agree with using one-sentence paragraphs)
Let's Continue..
When people are more educated, they can solve problems better. This means that society can progress at a faster rate.
Additionally, people with education can better understand the history of their society and its current economic conditions. As such, they may be more inclined to participate in politics and improve their country.
Also, when more people have access to a college education, the number of employable people for high-skilled jobs increases. This means that more people will join the workforce, which could help lessen the wealth gap between the upper, middle, and lower class.
One short topic sentence followed by a sentence justifying / giving detail.
2. Widened Workforce
Along with technological progressions comes a shift in the workforce. short Most automated jobs are replacing low-skill workers. Automation is spreading quickly across positions that require repetition, like back office tasks.
However, automation is not meant to replace the entire workforce. short Instead, the needs of most economies are shifting to require a more skilled workforce, with people who have good analytical skills and creative thinking abilities. These skills are both taught and honed with a college education. If more people could attend college for free, then the workforce will expand.
The workforce will also be more agile. short In the case of an economic downturn when one industry falters, another generally rises to replace it. Then, workers need to be retrained and taught skills for the job. If more people could enter school and gear their studies towards booming industries, then the population will be more equipped to cope with economic changes.