1. Someone admitting they’re not a food expert
I wish I __________ more about food.
2. Someone answering a long question at the end of a talk
I wish I __________ an extra hour for you.
3. Someone giving a graduation speech
I bring greetings to you from my mother, and she wishes she __________ be here.
4. Someone imagining a different career
Do I wish I __________ taller and playing center in the NBA? Yes!
5. Someone speaking to a chef
I absolutely love your granola, and I wish I __________ go to the restaurant every week, but I unfortunately don’t have that luxury.
6. Someone giving a talk on parenthood
When families have young children, they often joke that they wish they __________ an owner’s manual.
7. Someone talking about obligations
You know, there are a whole bunch of things that I’ve got to do that I wish I __________ to do.
8. Webshow about monarchies
Do you see the problems in your country and know how to fix them if only you __________ the power to do so?
9. Someone admitting they’re not good at geography
If only I __________ geography better!
10. Irish people answering random questions on a webshow
Do you ever wish you __________ Irish?