Juan 15


If you were to lead a column or even direct a newspaper, how would you reorganize the news.
Are there gaps?
What would you expect to find (that isn't there)? 

Most international newspapers speak about a specific event or incident that was triggered in the country but very few give us a good outlook on what the country is really like.
Do you think that demostrations, etc, really sell ?

Where do you find your non-scandal news?


How can we get youth to become involved in the politics, ecology, country's future, and other similar issues?

Through what means can we get the uneducated youth to change their attitude to a more positive one?

South America 

South America normally moves in a trend, a type of tidal wave... rightwing dictators, terrorism, democracy, left wing populism.. right center vs left.... what happens next?

I found an interesting paper but haven't seen it yet.



How is your thesis coming up? What is there to tell?

Explosion in Beruit
After the explosion and France's offer to help , little else appears in the news...

New war.... ??


To what extend does the Trump election affect world politics? Does this affect other areas... economy, etc?
What happens if he is or not elected? 

Do you envision changes after the American Elections?