Joaco 1

Photographs 20 minutes

Photos 3, 4, 5  Describe the cultural differences between the 3 photographs, giving an idea of the lifestyle as well as providing an explanation about the situation

Oral BEC exam


BEC exams are accepted by many employers worldwide as a proof of your competence in English and readiness to work successfully in international business.

How to approach Speaking Part 1:

  • In this part you are asked about yourself and business topics
  • In the exam, listen carefully to the questions. If you don't understand the question, ask the examiner to repeat it. Speak to both the examiner and the other candidate. Listen to      what the other candidate says.
  • Give more than just basic answers, support them with examples to show what you mean.
  • If you don't know the answer, because you lack knowledge of specific areas of business, say so, and try to speculate on the topic.
  • In this part you have to speak for about 3 minutes.
Let's get personal: