GOOD and BAD managers

approachable, charming, committed, confident, decisive, disciplined, efficient, encouraging, enthusiastic, experienced, helpful, , knowledgeable, motivated, optimistic, patient, persistent, professional, reliable, responsible, trustworthy

arrogant, careless, complicated, cruel, deceitful, dishonest, lazy, indecisive, inexperienced, insensitive, irresponsible, pessimistic, rude, stubborn, timid, unenthusiastic, unprofessional, unreliable, untrustworthy

1. What are the five best qualities for a manager to have? Why?

2. Who was the best manager you have ever had? What qualities did this person have?.

3. Do you think very young managers make good managers? What positive qualities do very young managers have? What positive qualities do they lack?

4. What are some specific things that good managers do? What are some specific things that good managers avoid doing?

5. What are the five worst qualities for a manager to have? What are some negative things that can happen if a manager has these qualities?

Use the vocabulary above to shortlist the characteristics that your manager has.