Today- take charge.

Take charge - lead the conversation.
                             inflation , the rise of the dollar, and lack of security
Try.. changing the subject in the middle of the conversation:
Example: Inflation is a serious problem..bla, bla.. One of the indirect consequences is the rise of riots and general insecurity due to..
Asking questions / invite  opinion
Don't get too  personal: Do you buy  vs  Many of us buy 
You can use a personal example or something read:  I heard of a case in which the lady ....
Question and opinions can be indirect: 
Wouldn't you agree that  inflation is a direct / indirect cause of...
As I see it, inflation is a direct / indirect cause of...
i have read .. My concept... 
Inflaction is a direct / indirect cause of...,  perhaps you see it differently..
What are your views

Try interrupting softly
Yes, of course, but..

Handle the sudden silences
Anyhow, we were talking about inflation but there isn't much more to add... what about the rise of the dollar.. do you..? / I believe..