Sample TOEFL Independent Essays

4 different styles of independent questions
·        agree/disagree
·        multiple choice
·        paired choice
·        preference

Agree/Disagree Style TOEFL Essays
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People in today’s world have become too dependent on automobiles..

The knowledge we gain from personal experiences is more valuable than the knowledge we gain from books.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

Multiple Choice Style TOEFL Essays
Which of the following do you think…?

·        Technological improvements 
·        Changes to education systems 
·        Improvements to our diets 

·        Build additional parks 
·        Construct more libraries 
·        Improve public transportation 
Use specific details and examples in your answer.  Do not use memorized examples

Paired Choice Style TOEFL Essays
Some students prefer ..  Other students prefer…  Which do you prefer?
Some students prefer classes with frequent discussions between the professor and the students with almost no lectures.

Other students prefer classes with many lectures and almost no discussions.

Some people like to spend their money as soon as they earn it.

Others think it is better to save their money for some time in the future
Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Preference Style TOEFL Writing
Do you think this is a good idea?  Why or why not?

Consider a situation where you are asked by your supervisor to work with one of your co-workers on a project. This co-worker has opinions that are very different than yours and they feel very strongly about these opinions.

 It is very important for students to learn as much as possible before their graduation from university.  For this reason, many schools require students to attend all of their classes in person in order to achieve a passing score
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
For more examples, let's link to this excellent page!